On 23 November 2024 the Southend United Ex Players Association (SUEPA) are running another event to be held at the Essex Bowls Club in Westcliff.

The event earlier this year for Peter Taylor was a sell out and a great success, and this event with Roy will be run along similar lines.

It will again be hosted by Glenn Pennyfather, and run as a ‘stories and memories’ evening with Roy and many of his former teammates from his 1980’s SUFC playing days.

So far, we already have former players Dave Martin, Steve Hatter, Jon O’Brien, Adrian Owers, Tony Currie (yes, THE Tony Currie!), Jim Stannard, Paul Newell and Andy Dixon lined up to come along, and we expect many more to confirm that they will be joining us as we get nearer the date. A good exchange of banter with Roy is guaranteed! Former player attendance is subject to change beyond our control – you can keep up to date with news on SUEPA social media.

Roy, as we all know, was a fully committed player during his time at Roots Hall. He never shirked a challenge, loved scoring goals and, amongst many notable accolades, netted a winner for us past the great Peter Shilton. Those 1980’s games under the floodlights evoke memories by the shed load, and yes, he got sent off once or twice too. His story of getting red-carded early-doors in an FA Cup tie v Newport as Bobby Moore hopelessly looked on is just brilliant. Many of you will have read his hugely entertaining and successful ‘Red Card Roy’ book – now is your chance to hear some tales direct from the man himself, enjoy his interaction with his old teammates on the night, and maybe even fire across the odd question or two for Roy to give you his opinion on.

Profits on the night will be mostly directed to a newly created ‘SUEPA Fund’, maintained within Shrimpers Trust accounts, to help resource the various activities SUEPA gets involved with, the balance being allocated to the main Shrimpers Trust account to help fund the great and varied work it undertakes outside of SUEPA.

The event kicks off at 7.30 pm with arrivals from 7.00 pm (so, after the home match scheduled v Forest Green Rovers that day). It will end by circa 10.00 pm, with a bar extension running through to 10.45 pm.

Dress code is casual – anyone wearing a SUFC shirt on the night will be given the opportunity to be part of a group picture with Roy and all of the other players.

Tickets are priced at just £20 each which includes a half-time pizza snack, and can be purchased here, or by scanning the QR Code.

Your ticket will be emailed to you by SUEPA within a few days of your purchase.